Author: Yves

Thank You !

Dear Pilots, Another edition of the sensational Jettribe Eurofinals has passed by again. We can conclude that it was a pleasant and beautiful edition without any accident and we would…

Safety / Accidents

In motor sports, danger is always lurking. When you purchase a BJBF-IJSBA license, you are covered for accidents that happen during any event organized by IJSBA Europe. Of course, this…

Register Now !

Register your race number(s) for the 2022 sensational Jettribe Eurofinals / World Series Round 1 by using this registration form. Latest news Don’t forget to read the information on the…


Dear pilots, To avoid any misunderstandings and confusion during the scoring, we will also check the clarity / legibility of your race number during the technical inspection from this season…

IJSBA Rule Book

On the page below, you can consult the complete IJSBA rule book. In order to participate in our events, you must have read and fully understand these rules.