In motor sports, danger is always lurking.
When you purchase a BJBF-IJSBA license, you are covered for accidents that happen during any event organized by IJSBA Europe. Of course, this cover only applies during competitions and official training moments organized during the competition weekend.
Our marshals on the water, as well as our technical and other staff, will do everything they can to minimize the risks for both spectators and pilots.

Technical & Safety inspection
During the technical and safety inspection, the following things are checked:
- General condition of the machine: No sharp and/or protruding surfaces.
- Appropriate clothing: Wet of dry suit that protects the entire body, as well as the legs.
- Lifejacket: A 50N buoyancy aid (Coast Guard approved Personal Floatation Device (PFD)).
- Back protectors: Back protector (such as those used in motocross and/or snowboard) that cover the entire spine.
- Shin and Knee protection: Only for runabout (run) and runabout-1100 categories.
- Helmet: A well-fitting, full-coverage helmet with double D-ring closure and chin and mouth guards (such as those used in motocross) that meets current internationally recognized standards (including Snell M2010). The helmet must be in excellent condition, free of any damage. This must be worn at all times when the pilot is on the water.
- Deadman’s switch: Working and always attached to the pilot (or the lifejacket) when on the water.
- Tow loop: Presence of a strong tow loop, attached to the bow of the machine.

Common sense
We also count on your cooperation.
The bottom line is that you as pilots should not be under the influence of narcotics. You have to go out on the water with the right attitude (sportsmanship). It is the responsibility of each pilot to ensure that he/she is fully aware of the consequences of his/her actions, as well as to anticipate the actions of other pilots who are near you.
Pilots must obey the flag signals given by our marshals. Failure to comply with flag signals will result in a penalty or disqualification.
Only in this way can our sport be practiced in the best possible and safest conditions.
However, if you are the victim of an accident during one of our competitions, it is important that you strictly follow the procedure described below.
Procedure in case of accidents
Any accident report must be made at the latest 48 hours after the accident. Only use our declaration form for this. You can get a copy of the form at the registration table.
The general terms and conditions of our policy (policy conditions) can be requested at the registration table where a copy is available to review.
Hopefully this information is unnecessary for you and you will have a lot of accident-free fun during our competitions.